Crazy Horse Apps

Blast - Roadmap

Hey there! This is where I'll keep track of the development process for Blast - Fast reading. [Download it here]
If you'd like to contribute, don't be shy. You can register and open a topic here in the community or you can send me an email at

The current status

Blast had a nice welcome from users.
The main pain point so far seems to be articles not being always parsed properly. In July I did an update addressing mainly this and a few of other tweaks. Now it's time to step up our game and make Blast much much better. This update, will include:
  • Allow everybody to try the app, even without logging in with their Apple ID
  • Add an embedded browser into the app for exploring, importing and reading stuff easier
  • Add iCloud sync to have your readings on all devices
  • Improve iPad layout
That's a lot of stuff and it will take some time, but I feel it is going to be worth the effort.

Requested features

So far you requested quite a lot of features. I cannot promise I'll add them all. 
Here's a list:
  • Add text to speech
  • Import epub
  • Import mobi
  • Import iBooks
  • Have a library of books that can be downloaded and read from within the app
  • Import articles from Instapaper, Pocket and other "Read it later" apps
  • Monitor improvements in reading speed in time. Add some related statistics
  • Add support for Apple Watch
  • Improve design on iPad, make it feel perfect
  • Support images in the reading flow
  • Show multiple words on screen 
  • Provide training for fast reading on physical books too
  • Improve indexing of big files imported
  • Add "search in text"
  • Support chapters, sections and Table of contents
  • Add a smart-skimming feature: highlights only relevant phrases with some artificial intelligence magic.
I think that's it so far.
If you have a feature request, make sure to open a topic so that we can all chip in and discuss it. Otherwise, remember to send me an email at
